Watzlawik - How to unhappiness
A narrow book is it that the philosopher , psychotherapist and has also written important representatives of the cognitive constructivism Paul Watzlawick 1983rd A small, wise and very funny little book that I read every few years back!
As we all yes (except for the misguided authors and readers of luck counselors) know, it is as meaningless as hopeless, the luck chase. If people only once satisfied, happy and content, they start immediately to put pathological behavior of the day - similar like zoo animals! In contrast arise in pain and misfortune, the great achievements the humanity, whether literature, art or music. Therefore, it is only desirable, the accident finally even take in hand the to !
Watzlawik also has the same number of valuable advice ready, what can be done - the past transfigure as a stronghold of never repeating happiness example . Also effective is to be totally focused on small aches and ailments - he recommends the Mouches Volantes , small opacities in the visual field, which almost everyone has - to this frightening and serious threat only one question seems to be the time until a painful imminent death. Skillfully explores he also just family or romantic togetherness to the true hell on earth can transform.
A book that I liked each time would pay if it would prefer not always so irritated eyes after the . For me a classic.
***** (5 of 5 stars)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Purple Dress Shirt What Color Pant
is so a winter at minus 12 degrees and bright sunshine.
The Snowy Mountains are right outside our front door, just good that we live a little increased, otherwise we could not see out the windows
What offers itself as a transition in the sewing room and there are these little things were, some Mug Rug's, as the new year begins here with us with some birthdays
and for my new kitchen, I needed a new pot holders, doilies
warmly I would also like to thank Karin and Petra for the birthday gifts
Karin had my new kitchen in view and I like sewing a matching mat, very nice matching napkins were still in the process and a small embroidered Kurrendesänger, thank you dear Karin
Petra I got this beautiful Mug Rug's much too beautiful to use, but I'll do s has won and the second which is equal to my husband made his own, including Petra love you again many thanks.
is now already been a year almost over, a lot of beautiful things I've come to know through the Internet, and your blog, but a thank you to you all, even a thank you to all those who look sure to stop by my past and now and then a comment leave. Now I wish you a Happy New Year 2011 and say goodbye until then.
Much love your
Regina Sunday, December 19, 2010
Windows Blind 7.0 11 94fbr
Oh dear, oh dear,
When sewing has me are my Erik, my 8 year old grandson, looked over his shoulder and was amazed at how the cats were and then also two, he was thrilled, yes you can conjure up properly when sewing, were his words, of course AMC also will be there .
So, then I wish you a nice 4th Advent.
a bruised toe hurts and that's not enough, I can tell you, but it also has something good. Thus I was forced to some rest and I have moved to the sewing, feet down nice, cold pack tied with a handkerchief and off we went, so I finally made my two outstanding contributions to sew the block time. That would be the one for the Star's Wonky Virginia
Although I had some difficulty at the beginning of the instructions - it was in english and my english is very thin, as we had in school had no English but Russian - I have to sew it really fun, too bad that all the stuff was. At this point, another thank you to Martina for their help.
wanted to Virginia Extrablöckchen another for the back, I find it a good idea and of course, it also handed a card to
addition, there was then at me, even the cats there, and these blocks are now also has become equally ready yet, hello Frauke , you also get another post before the holidays
In a cozy coffee we then have tinkered a little while is this 40 cm Bascetta - created star, much to the delight of the men, it is indeed now a ceiling hook needed.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Business Plan Of Poultry Farm
It snows every year and
how it looked today from midday, now everything is lost in the snow and it snows and snows and snows.
snowing and snowing and no end in sight.
how it looked today from midday, now everything is lost in the snow and it snows and snows and snows.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Fans Behaved Asin Molested
there every time we have the day to not like, but it is already over. This was now in me again, but with all the beautiful things that there are so fluttered into the house, you immediately forget the old age.
I want to thank you all very very much for all the loving greetings and gifts, it has already stirred a little when you can unpack such beautiful things.
Here I show you all again at close range, as you can see it much better.
Merilyn Sakova Strip Near A Fountain
Gnome land
You may have already in Klaudia seen, I sent her a pair of my Filzlatschen, in return, I was surprised with this beautiful Klaudia Mug Rug.
Actually it's much too nice to use, but I'll do it anyway, so Thank you again for love Klaudia , the surprise was a success.
Already a few days ago me this sweet glove fluttered into the house, and for that I would like to express my sincere thanks to Karola .
Monday, December 6, 2010
Karbon Vs Phenox Vs Descente
Schüller - The Seer of Garmisch
Commissioner Schwemmer has a hard time - of all the old clairvoyant Johanna Kindel sought him out to report on the anticipation of a murder. Of course, Schwemmer critical - the earlier Kindel predicts things that can not be recovered by the police has left. That her grandson and his buddies dressed darkly make weird music and a reputation as a Satanist have gone does not make it easier. But then actually dies, a young man - just as it foresaw the Kindel ...
like Good - the less criminal Parts in the book, especially the Outsider role of the family Kindel (clairvoyant and "Satanists "!). Schwemmer me is a bit much, as I say - on average? Normal? Worthy? The local color is created with a few " outdoor scenes " especially through the broad Bavarian dialect - I could indeed, Bulle von Tölz - steeled , halfway read, but it impedes the flow of reading with longer dialogues markedly. In general is talking very much in the novel - I think we could have in good conscience cut tight here and there and a bit. And some other things to fall - though metal bands smoke pot, then please arrange times googling - not hashish is green!
The case developed at the end in an unexpected or better - unpredictable direction. That gives me always a little dissatisfied and even slide back about halfway through - of course without knowing it. But this may be my personal tastes from . However
Long story short:
*** (three out of five)
Commissioner Schwemmer has a hard time - of all the old clairvoyant Johanna Kindel sought him out to report on the anticipation of a murder. Of course, Schwemmer critical - the earlier Kindel predicts things that can not be recovered by the police has left. That her grandson and his buddies dressed darkly make weird music and a reputation as a Satanist have gone does not make it easier. But then actually dies, a young man - just as it foresaw the Kindel ...
like Good - the less criminal Parts in the book, especially the Outsider role of the family Kindel (clairvoyant and "Satanists "!). Schwemmer me is a bit much, as I say - on average? Normal? Worthy? The local color is created with a few " outdoor scenes " especially through the broad Bavarian dialect - I could indeed, Bulle von Tölz - steeled , halfway read, but it impedes the flow of reading with longer dialogues markedly. In general is talking very much in the novel - I think we could have in good conscience cut tight here and there and a bit. And some other things to fall - though metal bands smoke pot, then please arrange times googling - not hashish is green!
The case developed at the end in an unexpected or better - unpredictable direction. That gives me always a little dissatisfied and even slide back about halfway through - of course without knowing it. But this may be my personal tastes from . However
Long story short:
*** (three out of five)
Indiyan Womens Saree Boobs
Grant - The amazing talents of Audrey Flowers
This book is - according to the blurb highly praised - first novel by New Zealand author Jessica Grant . It travels the young Audrey , because of their diverse, often endearing quirks " Oddly ", is their adopted country USA to their old home in Canada. Her father is killed in an accident, and together with Uncle Thoby, whose one arm is much longer than the other, then there is this, and to regulate it and find out.
The book impresses with wit, and I am afraid some of it was lost in the translation. Oddly moves in a world full of sights and wonders. Live it obliquely in a world as the rest of us, or is it because they are "not intelligent"? Who knows! After all, even commented on her remaining in the U.S. Turtle diligently with (which I found quite superfluous), and at the end there are some truly surprising twists.
The book is easy breezy read, was entertaining, but specific draft or a compelling story I have not discovered it, so unfortunately, despite sympathy
*** (three out of five)
This book is - according to the blurb highly praised - first novel by New Zealand author Jessica Grant . It travels the young Audrey , because of their diverse, often endearing quirks " Oddly ", is their adopted country USA to their old home in Canada. Her father is killed in an accident, and together with Uncle Thoby, whose one arm is much longer than the other, then there is this, and to regulate it and find out.
The book impresses with wit, and I am afraid some of it was lost in the translation. Oddly moves in a world full of sights and wonders. Live it obliquely in a world as the rest of us, or is it because they are "not intelligent"? Who knows! After all, even commented on her remaining in the U.S. Turtle diligently with (which I found quite superfluous), and at the end there are some truly surprising twists.
The book is easy breezy read, was entertaining, but specific draft or a compelling story I have not discovered it, so unfortunately, despite sympathy
*** (three out of five)
Extermal Temperature Sensor On Mondeo
Christmas Village
And again, a knitted from my ceiling was finished, this time says Isabella, the daughter of my niece about it.
Some time ago I had the 1st Booths for the advent calendar shows are all ready and already filled it now on a cabinet at my daughter and will shorten the waiting time until Christmas, but I must say, the child is 29, but this issue just right as a child.
one with and one without snow |
And again, a knitted from my ceiling was finished, this time says Isabella, the daughter of my niece about it.
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