Pratchett - The club of the invisible scholars
The University of the invisible hell is going on - to experience the poor unworldly magician, that in order to obtain further funding, because of some ancient law - Play soccer must! Football is at the time of the last proletarian sport, but not least, by a mysterious drip candles (this is someone who pretty antropft candles to make them look used) also learn the magician how to (s) handles the ball ...
A rather lame Pratchett, sorry.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Maxtor 2 300gb Driver
Francia - Strong Medicine & The 13th Door
I have just read two books again by Luisa Francia. I have the author here already mentioned several times, it is for me the best down to earth - well, what we call them witch - which I know books. Very feminist, very independent in thought and there is no book of hers, which I do not keep a set in the head, which I a new view shows.
The 13th Door is about thresholds and initiation and boundaries. Some very interesting, but for my taste, I lack a bit of red thread.
Therefore, only ***
Absolutely, however I found "Strong Medicine - Guide to Self-Healing. I find LFs views on medicine is very reasonable (she is none of these alternative medicine fascists who refuse any therapy other than their Wunderheilkur XY). Also good - lots of practical tips, including first aid and, he says title suggests, self-healing.
Very important - learn to listen to themselves, to develop trust's own healing skills. In fact, I have a
regular severe inflammation of the jaw, which I can treat with antibiotics for months in 2010, had to reverse engineer with some tips from her book, and it works BETTER and faster than with antibiotics.
alone, for there is
I have just read two books again by Luisa Francia. I have the author here already mentioned several times, it is for me the best down to earth - well, what we call them witch - which I know books. Very feminist, very independent in thought and there is no book of hers, which I do not keep a set in the head, which I a new view shows.
The 13th Door is about thresholds and initiation and boundaries. Some very interesting, but for my taste, I lack a bit of red thread.
Therefore, only ***
Absolutely, however I found "Strong Medicine - Guide to Self-Healing. I find LFs views on medicine is very reasonable (she is none of these alternative medicine fascists who refuse any therapy other than their Wunderheilkur XY). Also good - lots of practical tips, including first aid and, he says title suggests, self-healing.
Very important - learn to listen to themselves, to develop trust's own healing skills. In fact, I have a
regular severe inflammation of the jaw, which I can treat with antibiotics for months in 2010, had to reverse engineer with some tips from her book, and it works BETTER and faster than with antibiotics.
alone, for there is
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Indoors Climbing Shoes
review of "The gentle touch of darkness" by Frost Jeaniene
All of a sudden I started to cry. "I still love him, Vlad, I hate him too, maybe, but ... I still love him."
After Cat and Bones had more than enough trouble in the neck, they decide to vacation in Paris, making the city of love. But then appears a handsome, blond vampire dreams in Cats - Gregory, also known as the dream robber. He claims to be Cat, which of course Bones not agree ....
"The gentle touch of darkness" is the first volume of the Cat & Bones - Series of which I was not enthusiastic. At first I had hereinzufinden very great difficulties in the story because I am one with the writing style the author could not make friends and I the beginning, was very modest. Fortunately this impression disappeared and the story was clearly gaining momentum. As usual, it was action packed and bloody on one of the reasons why I adore this series. But in the middle of the quality of the story took off again clearly got on my nerves because the constant squabbling between Cat and Bones only. But even that went by again, and then remained "The gentle touch of the darkness" consistently good. I especially like is that Vlad took a relatively large role in this part, I have a small fan have become of him. In addition, we Jeaniene Frost surprised with many twists, but not always positive. From me this time, there are only four hearts and I hope that I Jeaniene Frost with the fifth part, which is published in the summer, can again inspire completely.

All of a sudden I started to cry. "I still love him, Vlad, I hate him too, maybe, but ... I still love him."
After Cat and Bones had more than enough trouble in the neck, they decide to vacation in Paris, making the city of love. But then appears a handsome, blond vampire dreams in Cats - Gregory, also known as the dream robber. He claims to be Cat, which of course Bones not agree ....
"The gentle touch of darkness" is the first volume of the Cat & Bones - Series of which I was not enthusiastic. At first I had hereinzufinden very great difficulties in the story because I am one with the writing style the author could not make friends and I the beginning, was very modest. Fortunately this impression disappeared and the story was clearly gaining momentum. As usual, it was action packed and bloody on one of the reasons why I adore this series. But in the middle of the quality of the story took off again clearly got on my nerves because the constant squabbling between Cat and Bones only. But even that went by again, and then remained "The gentle touch of the darkness" consistently good. I especially like is that Vlad took a relatively large role in this part, I have a small fan have become of him. In addition, we Jeaniene Frost surprised with many twists, but not always positive. From me this time, there are only four hearts and I hope that I Jeaniene Frost with the fifth part, which is published in the summer, can again inspire completely.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Iphoneelectric Box Level 19 Walkthrough
A birthday child and ....
A birthday child we have today in our round, and so was a small little thing trades lt,
and now I want the love Barbara wish all the best, especially health care for the new age
A birthday child we have today in our round, and so was a small little thing trades lt,
a place mat, it should be, with roses and that will task of course, AMC
and now I want the love Barbara wish all the best, especially health care for the new age
A new addiction has affected me, the Lieseln, I wanted to try just once how to do that and every day there are more flowers, we'll see what comes of it sometimes .
Pkemon Chaos Black Walkthrough Walls Gpsphone
review of "Ruby's heart is through all time" by Kerstin Ekman
"When I wanted to unhardened just a fourth tore, I am completely without warning from the legs. My stomach went roller coaster and the street became blurred gray before my eyes a river."
Gwendolyn comes from a very unusual family. For years, her cousin Charlotte is prepared to travel to the past because it has inherited the time-traveling gene family. Accordingly, the large Gwendolyn surprise as one day instead of her cousin in the past travels. Gwendolyn must now not only a cousin and her mother injured bother, but she falls in love with it all, even in the arrogant Gideon, who owns the time-traveling gene ......
I usually allow myself only very rarely to "mainstream books" one, but when I "Ruby Red: Love goes through all time" in the libaries discovered I've just tried it once. I especially liked the basic idea of the book. A gene that enables certain people to travel into the past at my knowledge, was yet in any book. And I think that Kerstin Gier described time travel very well and has therefore provides a good insight into other times. I was also very impressed by the slowly evolving love between Gwen and Gideon, even if they applied a thousand times already on the principle of girl-meets-boy-and-arrogant-they-are-immortal love-based love. However, I initially had great difficulty remembering my name and family relations, since the author has a very soft spot for names beginning with letters C and G. The story was sometimes a little too predictable, but I also look away, because I think that Kerstin Gier will surprise us in the subsequent two volumes yet. But as so often before, to me the end did not like. In my Eyes, it just came too suddenly and was within a few pages back chopped off - without which there would have been a climactic battle. All in all, "Ruby Red: Love crosses all times" a very sweet book for young people, which I liked so much that I guarantee will still get the following volumes. Despite everything, I can not understand the Hybe that is made to this book altogether. From me, there are four hearts!

"When I wanted to unhardened just a fourth tore, I am completely without warning from the legs. My stomach went roller coaster and the street became blurred gray before my eyes a river."
Gwendolyn comes from a very unusual family. For years, her cousin Charlotte is prepared to travel to the past because it has inherited the time-traveling gene family. Accordingly, the large Gwendolyn surprise as one day instead of her cousin in the past travels. Gwendolyn must now not only a cousin and her mother injured bother, but she falls in love with it all, even in the arrogant Gideon, who owns the time-traveling gene ......
I usually allow myself only very rarely to "mainstream books" one, but when I "Ruby Red: Love goes through all time" in the libaries discovered I've just tried it once. I especially liked the basic idea of the book. A gene that enables certain people to travel into the past at my knowledge, was yet in any book. And I think that Kerstin Gier described time travel very well and has therefore provides a good insight into other times. I was also very impressed by the slowly evolving love between Gwen and Gideon, even if they applied a thousand times already on the principle of girl-meets-boy-and-arrogant-they-are-immortal love-based love. However, I initially had great difficulty remembering my name and family relations, since the author has a very soft spot for names beginning with letters C and G. The story was sometimes a little too predictable, but I also look away, because I think that Kerstin Gier will surprise us in the subsequent two volumes yet. But as so often before, to me the end did not like. In my Eyes, it just came too suddenly and was within a few pages back chopped off - without which there would have been a climactic battle. All in all, "Ruby Red: Love crosses all times" a very sweet book for young people, which I liked so much that I guarantee will still get the following volumes. Despite everything, I can not understand the Hybe that is made to this book altogether. From me, there are four hearts!

Thursday, February 24, 2011
Nebraska Certificate Of Rent Paid 2010 Form
Is not that sweet
This mail I received yesterday, is not that sweet?
This mail I received yesterday, is not that sweet?
love Regina,
now I would like at last great times for the beautiful ceiling and the whole
great pillow to thank my birth date!!
This is all sooo beautiful. Ellis and I mean we totally
happy about it. A very unique gift just for me :-)
Thank you so much for the great effort! All the
admire us come and visit the pillow and the blanket and the
makes me more proud every time!
Much love by Mom and Dad.
now I would like at last great times for the beautiful ceiling and the whole
great pillow to thank my birth date!!
This is all sooo beautiful. Ellis and I mean we totally
happy about it. A very unique gift just for me :-)
Thank you so much for the great effort! All the
admire us come and visit the pillow and the blanket and the
makes me more proud every time!
Much love by Mom and Dad.
I did not want to hide from you.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Pokemon Season 1 English Subtitles
review of "companion of the Dawn" by Frost Jeaniene
"Actually I've not call to me to listen to what am I for an undead killing fellow ... oh, and a lousy prostitute too."
Together Cat with Bones and her team has made it his task to save the world and its inhabitants from the undead. But then flies on their camouflage and a powerful vampire seek of their lives. However, these struggles with funding, will be helpless against the Cat with their silver knives nothing ... Once again it is
Jeaniene Frost managed to inspire me completely. Even from the first page, the reader is part of the action and is rushed to an exciting situation to the next. In general, I often felt myself to be in an action movie, as held numerous fights, explosions and torture. Also I liked about that Mencheres, Rodney and Spade are recovered. But still better to me, the person was new fallen: Vlad Tepes, known to many by the name Dracula. That I immediately in my heart and hope that Jeaniene freeze into a spin-off can be carried away with it because I really want to know more about him. However, I have been missing something this time, the eroticism, but since I had nothing wrong with "companion of the Dawn", will not adversely affect my rating, so I forgive five hearts.

"Actually I've not call to me to listen to what am I for an undead killing fellow ... oh, and a lousy prostitute too."
Together Cat with Bones and her team has made it his task to save the world and its inhabitants from the undead. But then flies on their camouflage and a powerful vampire seek of their lives. However, these struggles with funding, will be helpless against the Cat with their silver knives nothing ... Once again it is
Jeaniene Frost managed to inspire me completely. Even from the first page, the reader is part of the action and is rushed to an exciting situation to the next. In general, I often felt myself to be in an action movie, as held numerous fights, explosions and torture. Also I liked about that Mencheres, Rodney and Spade are recovered. But still better to me, the person was new fallen: Vlad Tepes, known to many by the name Dracula. That I immediately in my heart and hope that Jeaniene freeze into a spin-off can be carried away with it because I really want to know more about him. However, I have been missing something this time, the eroticism, but since I had nothing wrong with "companion of the Dawn", will not adversely affect my rating, so I forgive five hearts.

Monday, February 21, 2011
Matching Shoes For Champagne Colour Dresses
review to 'The woman who lives in the earth " by Swain Wolfe
For weeks it has not rained, and gradually the farmers must give up their land and move away. Even Sandra's family is close to such a fate, but this does everything to prevent that and shortly thereafter finds a strange stone in the field. It is the talk of the woman who lives in the soil. Can this help Sandra rain back to life ?....
as a "beautiful fable, charming and poetic" becomes "The woman who lives in the earth," announced but which I have honestly not noticed. Although the main character Sarah is a totally sweet girl, one concludes immediately in his heart, but still I was missing in this book of magic, that certain something. By the fox Maris Chan Boresan not changed that impression, but was in fact much more clearly. Signed me extremely disturbed that this Sandra replied in the spirit of the flowers and plants. Somehow for me to 'wicked' and unrealistic. Well, I found, however, that life was portrayed without technology and in the country, as I find something very interesting. Even Sandra's great-grandmother, Lily was able to conquer my heart in a very short time, I found it very sweet, as she explained Sandra certain things like death. Nevertheless, there are only three of my hearts for a book that you may have read, but not necessarily.

For weeks it has not rained, and gradually the farmers must give up their land and move away. Even Sandra's family is close to such a fate, but this does everything to prevent that and shortly thereafter finds a strange stone in the field. It is the talk of the woman who lives in the soil. Can this help Sandra rain back to life ?....
as a "beautiful fable, charming and poetic" becomes "The woman who lives in the earth," announced but which I have honestly not noticed. Although the main character Sarah is a totally sweet girl, one concludes immediately in his heart, but still I was missing in this book of magic, that certain something. By the fox Maris Chan Boresan not changed that impression, but was in fact much more clearly. Signed me extremely disturbed that this Sandra replied in the spirit of the flowers and plants. Somehow for me to 'wicked' and unrealistic. Well, I found, however, that life was portrayed without technology and in the country, as I find something very interesting. Even Sandra's great-grandmother, Lily was able to conquer my heart in a very short time, I found it very sweet, as she explained Sandra certain things like death. Nevertheless, there are only three of my hearts for a book that you may have read, but not necessarily.

How Long For Solodyn To Work?
spontaneous flexible reading marathon
On Sunday I took part in a spontaneous, flexible reading marathon at Lovely Books. It is can be a reading marathon, in which each participant aboard and stop whenever he wants. Since I am sick of reading marathon this time was not particularly productive for me. Here is a summary
01 Time (joined later): 25 pages
02 Hours: 23 pages
03 Hours: 28 pages
04.Stunde: 0 pages, as television watched
05th Hours: 29 pages (book closed)
06th Hours: 27 pages 07th
Hours: 24 pages 08th
Hours: 20 pages 09th
Hours: 13 pages (book closed)
10th Hours: 20 pages
read pages: 209
On Sunday I took part in a spontaneous, flexible reading marathon at Lovely Books. It is can be a reading marathon, in which each participant aboard and stop whenever he wants. Since I am sick of reading marathon this time was not particularly productive for me. Here is a summary
01 Time (joined later): 25 pages
02 Hours: 23 pages
03 Hours: 28 pages
04.Stunde: 0 pages, as television watched
05th Hours: 29 pages (book closed)
06th Hours: 27 pages 07th
Hours: 24 pages 08th
Hours: 20 pages 09th
Hours: 13 pages (book closed)
10th Hours: 20 pages
read pages: 209
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Invitation In Tamil Format
review of "Blood Souls 02: Aurelius" by Sarah Schwartz
"They belonged to each other and were a unity, and who could say they do not know where he ended and she began. "
since the events in the first part, Amalia is the property of the vampire clan. But there she is tolerated only until they found out Lairas burial site has meanwhile raging in Aurelius a pure sense of chaos..? Although it is prohibited under the vampires, he loves Amalia Will you manage the two, to find a way out of their quandary ...
After already completing the first part of the blood soul Trilogy had swallowed, stood clear to me that I would read the second part. And I was not disappointed! At first I had some difficulties hineinzufinden in history I had forgotten many events from the first part again, which is not because of the author, but to my bad memory. But this did not last long, as Sarah Schwartz makes reference to important content of the first part and the reader makes this much easier to enter in the story. I also like that was granted by many flashbacks or memories insight into the feelings of different people. Especially in Aurelius, as it moves more in the second volume in the center. As in the first part there were many and varied erotic sites. There were also many surprising twists and an equally surprising end. In general, I must say that The second part was much more action-packed and generally better than the first. From me, there are five hearts and I am looking insane on the last part, which hopefully will appear soon!

"They belonged to each other and were a unity, and who could say they do not know where he ended and she began. "
since the events in the first part, Amalia is the property of the vampire clan. But there she is tolerated only until they found out Lairas burial site has meanwhile raging in Aurelius a pure sense of chaos..? Although it is prohibited under the vampires, he loves Amalia Will you manage the two, to find a way out of their quandary ...
After already completing the first part of the blood soul Trilogy had swallowed, stood clear to me that I would read the second part. And I was not disappointed! At first I had some difficulties hineinzufinden in history I had forgotten many events from the first part again, which is not because of the author, but to my bad memory. But this did not last long, as Sarah Schwartz makes reference to important content of the first part and the reader makes this much easier to enter in the story. I also like that was granted by many flashbacks or memories insight into the feelings of different people. Especially in Aurelius, as it moves more in the second volume in the center. As in the first part there were many and varied erotic sites. There were also many surprising twists and an equally surprising end. In general, I must say that The second part was much more action-packed and generally better than the first. From me, there are five hearts and I am looking insane on the last part, which hopefully will appear soon!

Mario Salieri See Online
review of "Darwin and the gods of Discworld "by Terry Pratchett
are again the wizards of Unseen University facing a huge task: to engage in significant events of the world and ensure that Darwin's "Origin of Species" written and thus mankind retttet from extinction. But someone is not satisfied with their plan and tried everything to prevent this ....
"Darwin and the gods of Discworld" is the first work of Terry Pratchett, that I did not like. This was due not to the author himself, but to the scientific comments of Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen. These topics like time travel, relativity theory and the number of infinity, all subjects that interest me in any way. However, there were also chapters on Darwin's life and his theory of evolution, which I found very interesting. I was also disturbed that these scientific comments constituted the bulk of the book and also on average much longer than were Pratchett chapter. Other hand, I have Pratchett's chapter were particularly impressive. I just love Pratchett's wit and the way he writes. Nevertheless, there are only three of my heart, I I had to occasionally struggle through the book and I do not like the scientific comments were for the most part.

are again the wizards of Unseen University facing a huge task: to engage in significant events of the world and ensure that Darwin's "Origin of Species" written and thus mankind retttet from extinction. But someone is not satisfied with their plan and tried everything to prevent this ....
"Darwin and the gods of Discworld" is the first work of Terry Pratchett, that I did not like. This was due not to the author himself, but to the scientific comments of Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen. These topics like time travel, relativity theory and the number of infinity, all subjects that interest me in any way. However, there were also chapters on Darwin's life and his theory of evolution, which I found very interesting. I was also disturbed that these scientific comments constituted the bulk of the book and also on average much longer than were Pratchett chapter. Other hand, I have Pratchett's chapter were particularly impressive. I just love Pratchett's wit and the way he writes. Nevertheless, there are only three of my heart, I I had to occasionally struggle through the book and I do not like the scientific comments were for the most part.

Dragonball Yaoi Dojin
fantasy in red - looking
I think of that variety I will sew some, because I had already sewing other ideas how to make the middle part.
I have called my pillow.
came to me with the clearing up of remnants of velvet in your hands, and because it really been stored for some time with me I'd ever feel like this idea for some time did rumschwirrt in my head to the implement, the first thing I got from the bright substance is a Crazy back sewn together, then the red edges on it and now I've dug in my boxes was what else so that in red, the best I liked the different wool threads, it then on it spread, covered with Soluvlies and quilted freehand
I have to put machine embroidery because it has such a nice subtle glow, then washed the fleece and the cushions are sewn together, is a closure at the bottom of a zipper.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wikipedia Netgear Dg934g
Great Action of Script5-Verlag New Items
Just now I discovered on several other blogs a great idea from Script5-Verlag : Every blogger who the trailer for the book "Not far from the tree" posting by Oliver Busch may be a review copy of his choice out of hotels. Of course I was doing immediately and now here is the trailer:
Sven has left the straight and narrow and is now on target: all below. He spends his days in a frenzy, his nights with either sex or fights. In this case it would be open all the doors, says his father - Sven would not have struck five years ago.
is threatened when his sister, is found in Sven's worst nightmare again: The only way to save Lina is to become like his father.
Oliver Uschmann novel "Not far from the tree" told bluntly and honestly lost targets, false friends and the power of confidence.
This action was on Sunday, 20/02/2011 completed by 15 clock of Script5-Verlag on Facebook!
Just now I discovered on several other blogs a great idea from Script5-Verlag : Every blogger who the trailer for the book "Not far from the tree" posting by Oliver Busch may be a review copy of his choice out of hotels. Of course I was doing immediately and now here is the trailer:

is threatened when his sister, is found in Sven's worst nightmare again: The only way to save Lina is to become like his father.
Oliver Uschmann novel "Not far from the tree" told bluntly and honestly lost targets, false friends and the power of confidence.
This action was on Sunday, 20/02/2011 completed by 15 clock of Script5-Verlag on Facebook!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
How To Disable Flash In Nokia E71
Just now I was in the library to four books to return and of course I could not resist and have borrowed books again. However, I have extra care that there are thin books I can read fast. Nevertheless, my sub has grown again and that on 19 books. Here is a brief overview:
The Maid of Orleans by Schiller
With his published and first performed in 1801 drama 'The Maid of Orleans', Friedrich Schiller in his lifetime success. The history of the Lorraine peasant girl Joan of Arc, which - with reference to divine inspiration - the French troops from victory to victory was introduced, then in British hands and was burned as a witch in 1431, Schiller moved out of the limits of mere historical drama - Johanna Schiller is not burned at the stake, but experienced the apotheosis on the battlefield. Formally takes this "romantic tragedy" a special place in Schiller's works: the dramatic development is interrupted by lyrical passages that verse forms are unusually diverse, ranging from blank verse to the formal shape of the punch through to the iambic trimeter, the Dramenvers the ancient tragedy. Text in the new spelling. - With notes by Ulrich Karthaus and a chronology of historical events.
The woman who lives in the Earth by Swain Wolfe
threatened in an archaic, faceless time an inexplicable drought, the existence of the people. Fear and superstition rampant. Only the small Srah continues with open eyes through the world, fascinated by nature with all its secrets. Together with the Fox Chan Maris she sets out to search for a mysterious woman who is to live for a long time in the world. And suddenly suspect Sarah, as they can sell the land and the drought and the drought in the hearts of men.
The Germans by Herwig Wolfram
written, this highly entertaining introduction as nearly as memorable together, what you should absolutely know about the world of the Germans. Eloquent and knowledgeable Herwig Wolfram leads the reader into the origin and myth, life and work of the Germanic tribes and portrays their tells the story of the "Great Migration". The Viennese historian will familiarize you with the most important sources and research grants and also with persistent stereotypes that affect still a historically balanced understanding of the Germanic world.
Just now I was in the library to four books to return and of course I could not resist and have borrowed books again. However, I have extra care that there are thin books I can read fast. Nevertheless, my sub has grown again and that on 19 books. Here is a brief overview:

With his published and first performed in 1801 drama 'The Maid of Orleans', Friedrich Schiller in his lifetime success. The history of the Lorraine peasant girl Joan of Arc, which - with reference to divine inspiration - the French troops from victory to victory was introduced, then in British hands and was burned as a witch in 1431, Schiller moved out of the limits of mere historical drama - Johanna Schiller is not burned at the stake, but experienced the apotheosis on the battlefield. Formally takes this "romantic tragedy" a special place in Schiller's works: the dramatic development is interrupted by lyrical passages that verse forms are unusually diverse, ranging from blank verse to the formal shape of the punch through to the iambic trimeter, the Dramenvers the ancient tragedy. Text in the new spelling. - With notes by Ulrich Karthaus and a chronology of historical events.

threatened in an archaic, faceless time an inexplicable drought, the existence of the people. Fear and superstition rampant. Only the small Srah continues with open eyes through the world, fascinated by nature with all its secrets. Together with the Fox Chan Maris she sets out to search for a mysterious woman who is to live for a long time in the world. And suddenly suspect Sarah, as they can sell the land and the drought and the drought in the hearts of men.

written, this highly entertaining introduction as nearly as memorable together, what you should absolutely know about the world of the Germans. Eloquent and knowledgeable Herwig Wolfram leads the reader into the origin and myth, life and work of the Germanic tribes and portrays their tells the story of the "Great Migration". The Viennese historian will familiarize you with the most important sources and research grants and also with persistent stereotypes that affect still a historically balanced understanding of the Germanic world.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Laser Operation To Remove Spectacles
I've picked up a stick ...
Or rather say: I made me one: D And that side of way.
Hardcover or paperback?
Paperback, is for a student just cheaper.
Amazon or bookstore?
This is actually pretty balanced to me. Amazon to order but often something for me when I buy gifts and the book trade for this come together more often impulse purchases.
bookmark or donkey ears?
bookmark! When I see how my Mum makes donkey ears, I could jump on her neck.
Order by author, title or disordered?
arrange I mainly by size, then genre, then author.
hold, sell or throw away?
retention. I've sold no book and not throw away three times already.
keep dust jacket or throw away?
keep course.
read with jacket or without?
with most, except the jacket on my nerves.
short story or novel?
novel, but against a good short story and nothing wrong.
quitting when one is tired or if the chapter is over?
Only when the chapter is over. Only very rarely do I pause a chapter, whenever ic'm extremely tired.
"The night was dark and stormy" or "Once upon a time"?
it once was.
buy or rent?
Now of course, is better because then you want the book on the shelf and it looks easy to just great. But if I can get a book from a friend, I lend it to me of course, instead of buying expensive to me for money.
New or used?
purchasing decision: bestseller list, review, recommendation or browse?
A mixture of everything. First I decide after browsing and then comes the rest
Closed End or Cliffhanger? Closed
I prefer, because I always go crazy cliffhanger . Make
morning read, noon or night?
It's always different. Depends on the mood and desire.
single band or show?
Both, although I must admit that annoy me the series slowly.
favorite show?
Currently, the Cat & Bones - series. heard
favorite book of the one ever? have read
The Songs of Maldoror by Lautreamont
favorite book that you last year?
There are too many.
What book are you reading now?
Darwin and the gods of Discworld by Terry Pratchett blood and souls 02: Aurelius Sarah Schwartz.
absolute favorite book of all time?
I can not decide.
favorite authors?
Terry Pratchett, JK Rowling, Ulrike Schweikert, Sebastian Fitzek, Agatha Christie, HP Lovecraft, Lori Handeland, Schiller, Maxime Chattam, Isabel Abedi, Sarah Schwartz, Kelley Armstrong, Jeanie Frost, JR Ward
Or rather say: I made me one: D And that side of way.
Hardcover or paperback?
Paperback, is for a student just cheaper.
Amazon or bookstore?
This is actually pretty balanced to me. Amazon to order but often something for me when I buy gifts and the book trade for this come together more often impulse purchases.
bookmark or donkey ears?
bookmark! When I see how my Mum makes donkey ears, I could jump on her neck.
Order by author, title or disordered?
arrange I mainly by size, then genre, then author.
hold, sell or throw away?
retention. I've sold no book and not throw away three times already.
keep dust jacket or throw away?
keep course.
read with jacket or without?
with most, except the jacket on my nerves.
short story or novel?
novel, but against a good short story and nothing wrong.
quitting when one is tired or if the chapter is over?
Only when the chapter is over. Only very rarely do I pause a chapter, whenever ic'm extremely tired.
"The night was dark and stormy" or "Once upon a time"?
it once was.
buy or rent?
Now of course, is better because then you want the book on the shelf and it looks easy to just great. But if I can get a book from a friend, I lend it to me of course, instead of buying expensive to me for money.
New or used?
purchasing decision: bestseller list, review, recommendation or browse?
A mixture of everything. First I decide after browsing and then comes the rest
Closed End or Cliffhanger? Closed
I prefer, because I always go crazy cliffhanger . Make
morning read, noon or night?
It's always different. Depends on the mood and desire.
single band or show?
Both, although I must admit that annoy me the series slowly.
favorite show?
Currently, the Cat & Bones - series. heard
favorite book of the one ever? have read
The Songs of Maldoror by Lautreamont
favorite book that you last year?
There are too many.
What book are you reading now?
Darwin and the gods of Discworld by Terry Pratchett blood and souls 02: Aurelius Sarah Schwartz.
absolute favorite book of all time?
I can not decide.
favorite authors?
Terry Pratchett, JK Rowling, Ulrike Schweikert, Sebastian Fitzek, Agatha Christie, HP Lovecraft, Lori Handeland, Schiller, Maxime Chattam, Isabel Abedi, Sarah Schwartz, Kelley Armstrong, Jeanie Frost, JR Ward
Ikea Malm Parts For Bed
My first half marathon reading
On Sunday I have spontaneously decided to take part in a reading marathon at Lovely Books. Unfortunately, I could have only joined later, so I join only seven instead of twelve hours. But then I read the half-marathon was so pleased, I have for my turn hung another two hours and read thus nine hours at a time. And I think that result can be quite impressive. Here is a brief overview:
06th Hours: 47 pages (Red Riding Hood)
07th Hours: 63 pages 08th
Hours: 62 pages (Red Riding Hood finished)
09th Hours: 6 Pages (The spirit of the books ate)
10th Hours: 58 pages 11th
Hours: 50 pages 12th
Hours: 63 pages
13th Hours: 61 pages 14th
Hours: 57 pages (The spirit of the books completed)
Read Pages: 467
On Sunday I have spontaneously decided to take part in a reading marathon at Lovely Books. Unfortunately, I could have only joined later, so I join only seven instead of twelve hours. But then I read the half-marathon was so pleased, I have for my turn hung another two hours and read thus nine hours at a time. And I think that result can be quite impressive. Here is a brief overview:
06th Hours: 47 pages (Red Riding Hood)
07th Hours: 63 pages 08th
Hours: 62 pages (Red Riding Hood finished)
09th Hours: 6 Pages (The spirit of the books ate)
10th Hours: 58 pages 11th
Hours: 50 pages 12th
Hours: 63 pages
13th Hours: 61 pages 14th
Hours: 57 pages (The spirit of the books completed)
Read Pages: 467
Database Design Costs
reading statistics from 01/01/2011 - 15/02/2011
Today, as I most probably not a book everything will stop, here is ever my statistics of the last six weeks:
→ 01/01/2011 - 02/15/2011
Start SuB: 16 Current
SuB: 16
read: 19
Gifts: 2
Won 2
Borrowed: 7
Purchased: 7
RE: 3
read pages: 5432
01) The Spirit Who Loved Me by Kate Logan (288 pages)
02) The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud (646 pages)
03 ) Pointman of Himmelfreundpointner (186 pages)
04) night of the soul by Kelley Armstrong (368 pages)
05) demons of fire Michael Laimo (269 pages)
06) Madison Avery by Kim Harrison (294 Pages)
07) Kiss of the night Jeaniene Frost (363 pages)
08) The Songs of Maldoror by Lautreamont (256 pages)
09) From dream and self-knowledge by Franz Alt (103 pages)
10) The visit of the old lady Dürrenmatt (152 pages)
11) Deadly Harvest by Vicki Stiefel (431 pages)
12) The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (75 pages)
13) Silence: The Song of the Wolves by Nicole Döhling (285 pages)
14) Black Dagger 01: Night Fighter by JR Ward (263 pages)
15) Black Dagger 02: blood sacrifice by JR Ward (296 pages)
16) The Hollow by Jessica Verday (431 pages)
17) vampire son of JR Ward (137 pages) to bring
18) Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright (290 pages)
19) The spirit of the books of Christopher Wortberg (299 pages)
Although I aim, my sub (= stack of unread books) in ten books , did not deliver, I am very pleased with myself. With 5432 pages the last few weeks were the most productive by far. For comparison: My highest number to date since 4346 were related to lowest 2557th Now I hope the next six weeks will also be a great success and I can reduce my sub yet.
Further reading statistics can be viewed on the left "reading statistics".
Today, as I most probably not a book everything will stop, here is ever my statistics of the last six weeks:
→ 01/01/2011 - 02/15/2011
Start SuB: 16 Current
SuB: 16
read: 19
Gifts: 2
Won 2
Borrowed: 7
Purchased: 7
RE: 3
read pages: 5432
01) The Spirit Who Loved Me by Kate Logan (288 pages)
02) The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud (646 pages)
03 ) Pointman of Himmelfreundpointner (186 pages)
04) night of the soul by Kelley Armstrong (368 pages)
05) demons of fire Michael Laimo (269 pages)
06) Madison Avery by Kim Harrison (294 Pages)
07) Kiss of the night Jeaniene Frost (363 pages)
08) The Songs of Maldoror by Lautreamont (256 pages)
09) From dream and self-knowledge by Franz Alt (103 pages)
10) The visit of the old lady Dürrenmatt (152 pages)
11) Deadly Harvest by Vicki Stiefel (431 pages)
12) The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx (75 pages)
13) Silence: The Song of the Wolves by Nicole Döhling (285 pages)
14) Black Dagger 01: Night Fighter by JR Ward (263 pages)
15) Black Dagger 02: blood sacrifice by JR Ward (296 pages)
16) The Hollow by Jessica Verday (431 pages)
17) vampire son of JR Ward (137 pages) to bring
18) Red Riding Hood by Sarah Blakley-Cartwright (290 pages)
19) The spirit of the books of Christopher Wortberg (299 pages)
Although I aim, my sub (= stack of unread books) in ten books , did not deliver, I am very pleased with myself. With 5432 pages the last few weeks were the most productive by far. For comparison: My highest number to date since 4346 were related to lowest 2557th Now I hope the next six weeks will also be a great success and I can reduce my sub yet.
Further reading statistics can be viewed on the left "reading statistics".
Houston Ball Python Cage
I managed
Goosegirl my game is embroidered finished.
21.50 clock last night I cut the last thread, wow, nice feeling, about 5 weeks I have embroidered on it. Now I have to sometimes deal with material so that it can then be properly completed It will then hang up, however, and when the grandchildren time you want to play with, then I will check before the finger to the cleanliness. Sunday, February 13, 2011
Train Bridge Builder Flash Game
review of" The spirit of the books "by Christoph Wortberg & Manfred Theisen
Since the death of his parents, aunt Lynn's all that Ben has. But when this one day disappears and a mysterious amulet which was divided into two leaves, Ben has to try everything to find his aunt. The Amulet Ben eventually leads to Verona in Romeo and Juliet direct world! There he joins forces with Mercutio and Juliet, to find his aunt. But the cruel minions of Gondor are targeting him and Ben and his friends must flee across the world of books ...
A book in which the biggest hero of all time together? In the true Robinson Crusoe on Julia? And in which a Villain hunt for a fictional character after another makes it to enslave them? Yes, all that is united in "the spirit of the books"! The protagonist, Ben, a teenager who died in a plane crash and how his parents survived by a miracle. During the nearly three hundred-page novel that the reader grows more and more to heart, and we accompanied him on the ups and downs. But Mercutio and Juliet are complex characters and have a lot to offer. This trio met in the course of the book more and more novel heroes, as Kaptäin Ahab, Don Quixote, Robinson Crusoe and Oliver Twist. While the authors were initially ran aground a loud world famous characters, they were with the increasing Number of pages still unknown - so it seemed to me, anyway. However, I have absolutely no complaints at all, as I discovered by new books, and nothing is more beautiful than when reading on other unknown books to be made aware. The story develops quickly and the protagonists are rushed to an exciting situation to the next. It is also quite bloody when Gondar minions slaughtered a hero after another. Then, when the villain Gondar occurred the first time, I was disappointed. I had imagined him much more evil and also had a very different idea of its appearance. Also Mercutio "position" in the novel I had after the first hundred pages already seen through, but what exactly do I mean by that, I will not tell of course. To arrange this, "The spirit of the books" to read it myself and believe me, it's worth it! From me there is a good four hearts.

Since the death of his parents, aunt Lynn's all that Ben has. But when this one day disappears and a mysterious amulet which was divided into two leaves, Ben has to try everything to find his aunt. The Amulet Ben eventually leads to Verona in Romeo and Juliet direct world! There he joins forces with Mercutio and Juliet, to find his aunt. But the cruel minions of Gondor are targeting him and Ben and his friends must flee across the world of books ...
A book in which the biggest hero of all time together? In the true Robinson Crusoe on Julia? And in which a Villain hunt for a fictional character after another makes it to enslave them? Yes, all that is united in "the spirit of the books"! The protagonist, Ben, a teenager who died in a plane crash and how his parents survived by a miracle. During the nearly three hundred-page novel that the reader grows more and more to heart, and we accompanied him on the ups and downs. But Mercutio and Juliet are complex characters and have a lot to offer. This trio met in the course of the book more and more novel heroes, as Kaptäin Ahab, Don Quixote, Robinson Crusoe and Oliver Twist. While the authors were initially ran aground a loud world famous characters, they were with the increasing Number of pages still unknown - so it seemed to me, anyway. However, I have absolutely no complaints at all, as I discovered by new books, and nothing is more beautiful than when reading on other unknown books to be made aware. The story develops quickly and the protagonists are rushed to an exciting situation to the next. It is also quite bloody when Gondar minions slaughtered a hero after another. Then, when the villain Gondar occurred the first time, I was disappointed. I had imagined him much more evil and also had a very different idea of its appearance. Also Mercutio "position" in the novel I had after the first hundred pages already seen through, but what exactly do I mean by that, I will not tell of course. To arrange this, "The spirit of the books" to read it myself and believe me, it's worth it! From me there is a good four hearts.

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My Mug Rug's
and those are the ones I've sewn
from the exchange of Heidi a few days ago eingetrudelt, beautiful they are, many thanks to Brigitte and Eva
and those are the ones I've sewn
At this point, again a heartfelt thank you to Heather, that was a very nice offer, we may like to repeat again.
The Top's from the Fleckelkiste are now ready However, the hole in the case are very small and, well, maybe I can inspire my girls so times in my group and then ask them the box provided. Not
I want to withhold the Wonky Star ', who were the cause of sewing
and now what wonderful, is not ne force?
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