Since the death of his parents, aunt Lynn's all that Ben has. But when this one day disappears and a mysterious amulet which was divided into two leaves, Ben has to try everything to find his aunt. The Amulet Ben eventually leads to Verona in Romeo and Juliet direct world! There he joins forces with Mercutio and Juliet, to find his aunt. But the cruel minions of Gondor are targeting him and Ben and his friends must flee across the world of books ...
A book in which the biggest hero of all time together? In the true Robinson Crusoe on Julia? And in which a Villain hunt for a fictional character after another makes it to enslave them? Yes, all that is united in "the spirit of the books"! The protagonist, Ben, a teenager who died in a plane crash and how his parents survived by a miracle. During the nearly three hundred-page novel that the reader grows more and more to heart, and we accompanied him on the ups and downs. But Mercutio and Juliet are complex characters and have a lot to offer. This trio met in the course of the book more and more novel heroes, as Kaptäin Ahab, Don Quixote, Robinson Crusoe and Oliver Twist. While the authors were initially ran aground a loud world famous characters, they were with the increasing Number of pages still unknown - so it seemed to me, anyway. However, I have absolutely no complaints at all, as I discovered by new books, and nothing is more beautiful than when reading on other unknown books to be made aware. The story develops quickly and the protagonists are rushed to an exciting situation to the next. It is also quite bloody when Gondar minions slaughtered a hero after another. Then, when the villain Gondar occurred the first time, I was disappointed. I had imagined him much more evil and also had a very different idea of its appearance. Also Mercutio "position" in the novel I had after the first hundred pages already seen through, but what exactly do I mean by that, I will not tell of course. To arrange this, "The spirit of the books" to read it myself and believe me, it's worth it! From me there is a good four hearts.

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