Just now I was in the library to four books to return and of course I could not resist and have borrowed books again. However, I have extra care that there are thin books I can read fast. Nevertheless, my sub has grown again and that on 19 books. Here is a brief overview:

With his published and first performed in 1801 drama 'The Maid of Orleans', Friedrich Schiller in his lifetime success. The history of the Lorraine peasant girl Joan of Arc, which - with reference to divine inspiration - the French troops from victory to victory was introduced, then in British hands and was burned as a witch in 1431, Schiller moved out of the limits of mere historical drama - Johanna Schiller is not burned at the stake, but experienced the apotheosis on the battlefield. Formally takes this "romantic tragedy" a special place in Schiller's works: the dramatic development is interrupted by lyrical passages that verse forms are unusually diverse, ranging from blank verse to the formal shape of the punch through to the iambic trimeter, the Dramenvers the ancient tragedy. Text in the new spelling. - With notes by Ulrich Karthaus and a chronology of historical events.

threatened in an archaic, faceless time an inexplicable drought, the existence of the people. Fear and superstition rampant. Only the small Srah continues with open eyes through the world, fascinated by nature with all its secrets. Together with the Fox Chan Maris she sets out to search for a mysterious woman who is to live for a long time in the world. And suddenly suspect Sarah, as they can sell the land and the drought and the drought in the hearts of men.

written, this highly entertaining introduction as nearly as memorable together, what you should absolutely know about the world of the Germans. Eloquent and knowledgeable Herwig Wolfram leads the reader into the origin and myth, life and work of the Germanic tribes and portrays their tells the story of the "Great Migration". The Viennese historian will familiarize you with the most important sources and research grants and also with persistent stereotypes that affect still a historically balanced understanding of the Germanic world.
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