Since then we have read in school, "Maria Stuart," I am a huge fan of Friedrich von Schiller. For me he is one of the best German writers who has ever been and in my eyes he is way better than Goethe. I always wanted "The Maid of Orleans" read and have accordingly struck immediately when I saw this in the libaries. The story is quickly told: A young peasant girl, Joan of Arc, experiencing a huge social advancement, by the side of the French king against the English and fight this devastating strikes. This is of course a real person that everyone knows halfway geschichtsbewanderte man: Joan of Arc. Schiller processes their life as I know, almost autobiographical, only the end is different from the real. Because this end of getting "The Maid of Orleans" and trigger a heart from me, as it was in my eyes just too religious. Otherwise, this reading was once again a small literary fireworks for me, which is true especially in Schiller's unique writing style.

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