"You always have to Sade, that is to draw on the natural man, to explain the evil. "
Marquise de Sade sparked during his lifetime by his offensive and immoral works of mass scandals, so I have always wanted to read something from him. When I was recently in the library, I discovered, unfortunately, no works by Sade, but this biography, and so I decided to rent me unceremoniously them. Walter Lenning has done in this little book (just 137 pages) real work. This enabled him to tell the life of Sade's exciting and interesting, so I was bored on either side. the whole is supported by many images. I liked about also that the author at length about Sade's works reported and thus makes the reader curious about this. There are still more or less quotes from famous people about Sade, which I also have liked. On the whole I can recommend each of this book, some want to know more about Sade. For this, the Rowohlt monograph is my view is more suitable because it is very informative - and this also briefly - are. From me there is a good four hearts.

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