Monday, November 15, 2010

Congradulation Phrases

Hong Li Yuan - The Master of Shanghai

What is this biographical novel?

It is clear that the author Hong Li Yuan, as well as the protagonist comes from Shangahi With Lee, then as a young man emigrated to Germany and now in the Stuttgart area as Tai Chi and Qi Gong is working teacher.

I see the book purely as a documentation, I find it - despite some lengths - interesting. As I remarked several times already, I like books that show me something new. In this case, I have quite a bit about the Chinese culture during the "Reformation" learned - that is, between the post-Cultural Revolution period with a petrified communism to the 80s and today's neo-liberal, but non-democratic China - and the just from the perspective of a human attachments, the distance to the regime, but was never openly hostile. Also very exciting and I have never clearly seen - as in fact the Chinese population is happening in 1989, the "place of peace Himlichen" on, when the regime brutally rolled the student protest? And why there was no break in China, as all the Eastern European communist governments fell? What educational effects of the one-child policy?

The experience of a Chinaman in Germany - from willingness to xenophobia - are really exciting. Language is, perhaps, the publisher certainly wanted something "raw" and simply, as if the author speak, despite good knowledge of German Sun It increases the authentic effect, and there are many scenes to laugh.

disturb me as a story many little side stories, and some swirl implausible passages (eg on the truly incredible healing powers of Qi Gong). Towards the end verläppert the story a bit for no good end. I think reduce, streamline and had the novel (the biography) was good.


**** (4 out of 5 stars)


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